Thursday, May 13, 2010

Where to Buy Chia Seeds?

We've been hearing a lot about chia seeds. Many of you don't just buy your chia anywhere else. You need a company or a seller that offers quality chia seeds.

I recommend you to check carefully the reviews of customers before you place your order. If you want to order chia seeds you may contact or email or

Friday, May 7, 2010

Reasons Why we Should Eat Chia seeds

Teat Chiao those who want to have a better health you need to eat this nature's superfood, Chia Seed. Here are my reasons why we need chia seed

1. Chia seed is the talk of the town nowadays. It is very nutritious. The seed is five times the calcium of milk, eight times more omega 3 than pink salmon, three times more iron than spinach, and thrice as many antioxidants as in a blueberry.

2. Chia seeds able to absorp ten times weight in water. It is good to keep us hydrated. Good for dieters and athletes for a greater endurance, stamina, and hydration

3.Chia is mild tasting and easy to add to any diet. You can add chia seeds directly on your food. Their high nutritional value and culinary flexibility make them one of nature’s most amazing superfoods.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Superfood in the New and Improved Cocoa Cassava Bars

Chia Seed
Chia seeds are an ancient food eaten by the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans that comes from a desert mint plant growing abundantly in southern Mexico.

In the Mayan language, chia means “strength.” These tiny, nutty-flavored seeds were a staple in the diet of Aztec warriors and considered to be a “running food” because messengers believed that they could energize and sustain them for an entire day. The Aztecs also used chia to treat joint pain and skin conditions.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fats, antioxidants, protein and fiber. In fact, it’s considered as the richest natural plant source of omega-3. Like flaxseed, chia is rich in alpha linoleic acid (ALA), which is an omega-3 precursor and is converted by your body to the omega-3 fats EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

Studies show that chia seeds contain more omega-3 than salmon, more antioxidants than blueberries, and, more calcium, fiber and protein than flaxseed. Chia is so densely packed with nutrition that eating two tablespoons will give you 205 mg of calcium, 7 g of dietary fiber and 5.2 g of omega-3.

Chia contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Fiber-rich foods take longer to eat, are processed more slowly by your body and tend to produce a feeling of fullness with fewer calories, which may help provide weight loss.

Unlike flaxseed, which needs to be grinded, chia is ready-to-eat, highly digestible and has a long shelf life – it can be stored for several years, retain its potency and not go rancid.

Chia seeds are also free from cholesterol, gluten and trans fats and have not been found to be allergenic.

Because of its nutritional value, stability and convenience, more and more people are mixing chia seeds to their drinks, sprinkling them to cereal, yogurt and salads, adding them to flour for baking, or simply eating them as a snack.

Dr. Joseph Mercola’s New and Improved Cocoa Cassava Bars are now sprinkled with organic raw chia seeds. It’s not difficult to find organic raw chia because the high oil content of the chia plant acts as a natural insect repellent, thus eliminating the need for pesticides.

This natural health bar keeps on getting better. With a superfood like organic raw chia seeds and a host of all-organic ingredients, you can’t go wrong with the cocoa cassava health bar. The wait will soon be over as the New and Improved Cocoa Cassava Bars are coming in March 2010.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chia seed advantage Over Flax Seeds

These days, the market is saturated with all sorts of health product being marketed as quick fixes for various conditions and ailments. In truth, these products are largely ineffective, and some can be downright dangerous to your health and safety. The only real way to get fit and become healthy is a lifestyle geared towards achieving those goals. This means getting plenty of exercise and maintaining a proper diet. There are plenty of healthy foods to choose from, but none are as densely packed with nutrients like the chia seed.

Chia seeds are grown from the salvia hispanica plant, which was first discovered thousands of years ago by the ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations of Central and South America. Even then, it was considered a super food, so prized for its qualities that it was used as currency and even sacrificed to their gods. The techniques of modern scientific analysis have proven chia seeds worthy of the status they were given. When compared to other normal healthy foods, the chia seed has been shown to outclass all others in terms of nutritional content. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, containing 8 times the quantity normally found in pink salmon. These essential fatty acids are vital in promoting growth while protecting vital organs like the heart and the brain. The calcium content for every gram of chia seeds is equivalent to six times the amount found in milk. Calcium is best known for promoting strong and healthy bones, but it has other benefits, such as disease prevention and weight regulation. Chia seeds also contain 9 times the Phosphorous content found in whole milk. Phosphorous is an element the body uses for energy regulation and in building healthy bones. Iron is another essential nutrient that the chia seed has in abundance. The iron content found in chia seeds is thrice of that found in spinach. Potassium, which is vital to regulating cellular functions, is also found in significant quantity, with approximately double the amount found in bananas. The element magnesium is a vital catalyst in the body’s processes, and a diet deficient in it has been shown to be responsible for the development of illnesses such as asthma and ADHD. Chia seeds are a good source of magnesium, carrying 15 times more of it than broccoli.

Chia seeds also contain twice the amount of dietary fiber than one would find in bran flakes. Dietary fiber helps clean out the digestive system, and allows for greater absorption of the nutrients in our food. Protein, the building block of the body’s muscles and tissues, is also abundant in the chia seed, with the nutritional content being around six times that found in kidney beans. Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants, the molecules that our protect cells from the damage brought about by free radicals.

Even among nutrient rich functional foods, the chia seed stands head and shoulders above the competition. For comparison, the flax seed is considered one of the healthiest foods available, but even it pales in comparison with the chia seed. To begin with, the chia seed contains more carbohydrates and dietary fiber than the flax seed. Carbohydrates are the foods that the body converts into sugars for energy. The phosphorous and calcium levels of the chia seed are also superior. The chia seeds also contain 9 times more selenium than flax seeds. Selenium is a micronutrient that helps regulate some of the body’s functions, most notably that of the thyroid gland. There are also significant amounts of riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin, along with trace amounts of all the other B-vitamins.

The chia seed also beats the flax seed when it comes to practical considerations of preparation, consumption, and shelf life. Chia seeds are not only more nutritious, but they are also easier to integrate into your diet. They may be consumed in any number of ways. They can be eaten as they are, without any preparation whatsoever. They may be added to water or any beverage to make a gel for eating or for adding to other meals. You can even grind up the seeds into flour and bake it into any number of recipes. Flax seeds, on the other hand, need to be ground into meal before it can be consumed. Eating a flax seed raw will simply cause it to pass through the digestive system without imparting any nutritional benefit. This limits the number of ways the flax seed can be integrated into a diet. Chia seeds are also easier to store for future consumption. Left in a sealed container, the seeds, whether in normal or ground up form, are good for consumption for up to five years. By contrast, flax seeds have a maximum shelf life of 12 months at the most. Grinding the flax seed into meal will only shorten the shelf life further to a mere 4 months maximum.

Chia seeds also have the unique advantage of being hydrophilic, or extremely water absorbent. When chia seeds come in contact with water, their fibrous structure allows it to absorb up to 10 times its weight in water. The seeds turn into a gel, which can be eaten on its own or added to different foods or beverages. Once ingested, the gel will form a barrier between the digestive enzymes and any consumed carbohydrates. This slows down the process of breaking down the carbohydrates into sugars, which in turn stabilizes the body’s metabolism and maintains steady blood sugar levels, which makes you feel fuller for much longer. This unique mechanism makes chia seeds an excellent diet food.

Given all the health benefits of chia seeds, there is little wonder that it is considered one of nature’s superfoods. The seeds are all natural, with no added chemicals or compounds. It is also gluten free and has only trace amounts of sodium, which makes it an ideal food for people with allergies or sensitivities to either substance.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chia Seeds for Your Health and Wellness

People looking for the most perfect natural food need look no further than the chia seed to satisfy their demands. Harvested from salvia hispanica plants, chia seeds have been recognized as a valuable food for thousands of years, and they were used as a form of currency by the ancient Mayans. Taxes and tribute to royalty and religious leaders could be paid in chia seeds. The ancient Aztec and Mayan warriors fearlessly traversed the forbidding jungles of South America subsisting only on chia seeds and some water, often fortifying themselves with a handful of seeds before going into battle. With the fall of these civilizations, the chia seed eventually fell into obscurity, its existence and amazing nutritional benefits known only to the indigenous people who have been harvesting the seeds for millennia.

With the rediscovery of the chia seed in the latter part of the 20th century, scientists, nutritionists, and herbalists all over the world unanimously agree that it is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world. It contains significant amounts of both protein and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.

What's especially surprising about the chia seed is that it contains so much of these substances and compounds when compared to your everyday, run-of-the-mill fruits and vegetables. To put things into perspective, a gram for gram comparison of chia seeds and other nutritional foods reveals that chia seeds contain 6 times more protein than kidney beans, 4 times more selenium than flax seeds, twice the amount of dietary fiber normally found in bran flakes, thrice the amount of iron in spinach, two times more potassium than bananas, and nine times more phosphorous than whole milk. It also has 15 times the amount of magnesium content of broccoli, over thrice the amount of antioxidants as blueberries, 6 times the amount of calcium of milk, and 8 times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids found in pink salmon. To top it off, it contains large amounts of B-vitamins, and is completely gluten-free.

The quality of nutrition imparted by chia seeds is a big bonus. Most healthy foods are enjoyed in moderation because they can have their own unpleasant and unhealthy side effects when consumed in overly-large quantities. For example, drinking too much red wine, a good source of antioxidants and heart healthy substances, will eventually damage your liver.
Fish oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but eating too much can lead to weight gain. And taking artificial supplements to get the same levels of nutrition can be just as risky. In a recent case, a fish oil supplement meant to boost consumers' levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids was found to be contaminated with unacceptably high levels of toxic chemicals. These are risks that simply do not exist with chia seeds because they are all natural, and have no known negative side effects.

As an additional bonus to all this good nutrition, chia seeds, once consumed, form a gel in the digestive system that effectively regulates the body's metabolism to make more efficient use of the body's energy. Athletes, diabetics, weight-watchers, and anyone who wants to lead a healthier lifestyle are all eager to experience chia seeds' benefits for themselves.

And enjoying all these nutritional benefits is easier than you think. While most health foods have strong and distinct flavors that are difficult to mix with other foods, chia on the other hand, has a mild, nutty flavor that can easily be mixed into almost any dish. They're small enough to sprinkle directly on your meals, can be crushed into flour for mixing into any number of baked goodies, and can even be eaten on their own. Chia seeds also make a great addition to any beverage, from plain water to smoothies and shakes. A handful of chia seeds can go a long way towards making any lifestyle much happier and healthier.

Hidalgofoods has made its mission to make such nutritional food more available to everybody, and is determined to supply only the highest quality chia seeds in both wholesale and retail quantities. We offer chia seeds in black and white varieties. White chia seeds occur much less frequently than black chia seeds, but both types are nutritionally identical. However, white chia seeds may sometimes be preferred precisely because of their rarity as well as their aesthetic value. As part of Hidalgo Foods' dedication to making healthy choices easier for our customers to make, we supply only chia seeds that have been grown organically and without the use of GMOs. As a further assurance to our customers' safety, we ensure that our products are uncontaminated by toxic chemicals such as herbicides or pesticides.
